
Farming Christian Link

Farming Christian Link (FCL) seeks to bring a Christian witness and help to those in farming and rural areas and distribute free New Testaments and Christian literature. Stands are taken at over fifty agricultural and other rural shows across the country. These shows are attended by thousands of visitors and FCL is able to engage with many of them with that literature and in Gospel conversations. 

Deo Gloria is pleased to have been able to provide a number of grants to help with this ministry.

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Cross Teach

crossteach is an educational charity which has been teaching about the Christian faith in schools since 2001. We visit lots of different types of schools – primary and secondary, community and Church of England, private and state-funded, academy and maintained.

Deo Gloria is honoured to have been able to provide funds for some of their projects.

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Christian Youth Enterprises

CYE Sailing Centre was established in 1985. The programmes were originally organised to serve young people from churches and youth groups – providing unique opportunities to experience the very best in water sports training and adventure activity holidays. Over the years, the range of activities and age groups has broadened, with school groups, training courses and residential holidays providing the majority of programmes from Mar to Nov. Our staff team, buildings and events change but our vision remains the same.

The Christian way of living and sharing the gospel is a basic part of the work that we do whilst also teaching young people and adults water sports. The Christian Life is lived out by the staff and in turn this develops both the younger staff and the visitors to the centre. Maintaining the fleet and developing the site and offering continues and much of the maintenance is undertaken by a voluntary team of retired men who give of their time and skills to support the work.

The grants from Deo Gloria have assisted in enabling the further development of the work allowing us to get into local schools to take assemblies and to run more activities on land and sea.

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Cathedral Exhibition

In 2006, the Deo Gloria Trust commissioned textile artist Jacqui Parkinson to create the first of a series of hand-stitched exhibitions which would travel around the cathedrals and churches of England. The result is a remarkable series of twelve stand-alone exhibitions.These exhibitions have been acclaimed by thousands of visitors to various cathedrals. Deo Gloria, in conjunction with Jacqui Parkinson, has produced a full-colour 128 page hardback book of ten of the Cathedral Exhibitions which explores the themes and artwork in greater detail.

Contact for Christ

Contact for Christ was an agency which put those investigating the Christian faith in touch with a Christian in their locality who could help them find answers to their questions. Since it was founded in 1976 Contact for Christ has helped thousands of enquirers in their next step towards finding salvation in Jesus Christ and settling into a local church. At the turn of the millennium Contact for Christ dealt with over two thousand enquiries from people who wanted to know more and asking for help in becoming Christians. Since then, however, the number of enquiries received has declined year on year. The Trustees of the Deo Gloria Trust took the tough decision to bring the ministry to a close and it ceased operation in Nov 2019.

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